Entrepreneurship is attractive. Everyone dreams of living in the Maldives while money just flows into our bank accounts without us doing nothing. Well, how real that thought is will be discussed another day. But at least we know a lot of us immigrants dream of having our own businesses. We dream of that day when we will finally be "FREE" - have no more care about nothing but our own business. And truth be told, we try. We play it safe and start a side hustle. Some jump off from the proverbial plane without a parachute and grow their wings coming down. Others like me get pushed out and are forced to swim or sink or crawl back into the familiar.
Regardless, we all start the adventure only to realize that becoming an entrepreneur is a journey, a process and the transition is even more painful in the mind than we ever thought. Moving from an employee to a self-employed person or even an employer is no joke. It requires a TON of work, acceptance that A LOT of things that don't work are a normal part of the journey. Worse still, our biggest battles as entrepreneurs are INTERNAL. War of the mind. An unending battle between the mental conditioning that we grew up with and what the life of an entrepreneur really entails. This is the real deal. If truth be told, the lives that we change and the money that we make through the products and services that we offer as entrepreneurs are not what makes us entrepreneurs. It is the daily journey itself that is our reward as entrepreneurs. The new us who emerges through the daily battles is our most valuable reward!
Jess Huffman and I have therefore partnered to bring to first-generation Canadians, the “Entrepreneurial Mindset Series” where we aim to help everyone (even if you are working for someone or an establishment) overcome the loneliness, fear, indecision, and self-doubt of the entrepreneurial journey thus easing the stress of striking out on your own as a business owner. It will be insightful, practical and fun!
Watch out for a new episode every Monday!
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